Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saintly Queen of England

Today's saint had the comforts of royalty but after her husband died she took on the vows of chastity and poverty.  She proved that having it "all" is not always enough.

St. Ermengild

Feast day: February 13
Born: ??
Death: 703

Ermengild did not just marry into royalty, but was born into a royal family with a father who was king of Erconbert, King of Kent, and her mother was Queen Sexburga, who is also considered a saint.  She then married King Wulfhere of Mercia, who was a pagan.  She brought her husband into the Faith and through her zeal and piety influenced him to spread Christianity in his kingdom.  She helped spread the faith in Mercia until her husband's death in 675.

Ermengild also bore the king two children – St. Werburga, who entered the religious life, and Coenrad, who became King of Mercia (704-709) and later a monk at Rome.

Upon the death of her husband, Ermengild became a nun and eventually took on the role of abbess at the convent.  Little is known of her death, which occurred on February 13, 703.

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